Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament with some enduring messages for us. While Israel was sad that they were not the prominent nation that they used to be, God tells the Israelites that He will punish the foreign nations in the future because of what they have done to Israel (See Malachi 1:3-4).
Then God tells them, “Your eyes will see this and you will say, ‘The LORD be magnified beyond the border of Israel!’” (Malachi 1:5). Israel and their descendants will praise God when they see His goodness and love for them. Hopefully the people will no longer doubt God’s love for them.
We too should praise God in the future because of His love for us. Even though we might find ourselves in situations in which we don’t want to be, we need to remember God’s love for us and praise Him. Sometimes we don’t feel God’s love, but we still need to praise Him. Why? Because other people are watching.
One Bible teacher I read recently wrote, “We need to remind ourselves that the trials we experience as individuals or congregations are also opportunities to glorify God before a watching world. That’s how Paul viewed his imprisonment and possible death in Rome (Phil 1:12-26), and that’s the way we must look at the testing God sends our way. Every difficulty is an opportunity to demonstrate to others what the Lord can do for those who put their trust in Him.”[1]
The Israelites knew about the love of God, but they didn’t feel it at that time. So Malachi starts off this prophecy with God’s love for them. Even though the Israelites had done a lot of things wrong, Malachi starts his book reminding Israel of God’s love.
And we too, at times might struggle to feel God’s love for us. Sure, we know He loves us because He chose us before we were born (Ephesians 1:4-5), He sent his Son to die for us (Galatians 2:20), He makes us sons and daughters of Him (Galatians 4:5), and His Holy Spirit lives inside of us (1 Corinthians 6:19).
We need to remind ourselves of God’s love for us. We do this by knowing God’s Word, praying to Him, talking with Him, and keeping a list of ways we see Him working in our lives.
We need to remind others of God’s love for them too. We do this by listening to them when they are going through tough times, bringing them groceries or medicine when they are ill, and calling them to check in on them on a regular basis.
We know about God’s love, but we don’t always feel it. As we go about our week let’s remind ourselves of God’s love for us and remind others of God’s love for them too.
[1] Warren Wiersbe, Be Amazed (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 1996), 177.