A. Paul’s Introduction (1:1-11)
1. Greetings from Paul (1:1-4)
2. Paul’s thanksgiving and prayer (1:5-11)
B. Paul’s Joy about Christ Being Preached (1:12-18)
1. Paul’s imprisonment had been fruitful to spread the Good News (1:12-14).
2. Some people were preaching without pure motives (1:15-17).
3. But, Paul didn’t care about motives (1:18).
C. Paul’s Life for Christ (1:19-26)
1. Paul would never be ashamed because he lived for Christ (1:19-21).
2. Paul was torn between living and dying, but he wanted to live for the sake of the Philippians (1:22-24).
3. Paul remained to help the Philippians and take joy in what Christ was doing through him (1:25-26).
D. Live as Citizens of Heaven (1:27-30)
1. Paul told them to live as citizens of heaven as one body and don’t be intimidated by enemies (1:27-28).
2. The Philippians had been given a struggle to share which we are in the midst of (1:29-30).
A. Focus on Others (2:1-4)
1. What was the result of Christ’s work (2:1-2)?
2. Be humble and look out for others (2:3-4)
B. Have the Same Attitude as Christ (2:5-11)
1. Christ’s Humility – Have the same attitude that Christ had (2:5-8).
2. Christ’s Exaltation – God elevated Jesus back up high for others to worship him (2:9-11).
C. Shine Brightly for Christ (2:12-18)
1. Work hard for God is working in you (2:12-13).
2. Don’t complain, live cleanly, shine bright, and hold on to the word of life (2:14-16).
3. Paul rejoiced because of his life poured out for others (2:17-18).
D. Applause for Timothy (2:19-24)
1. If God allowed, Paul hoped to send Timothy because no one was like Timothy (2:19-20).
2. While others cared only for themselves, Timothy served others (2:21-22).
3. Paul hoped to send Timothy and maybe even visit Philippi too (2:23-24).
E. Applause for Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
1. Paul sent Epaphroditus back to the Philippians as Epaphroditus longed for them and had been ill (2:25-27).
2. Paul would send him back because Epaphroditus risked his life (2:28-30).
A. Paul’s Heritage and Confidence in Jesus (3:1-6)
1. The Philippians should Rejoice in the Lord focusing on what Christ had done for us (3:1-3).
2. Paul had strong self-confidence (3:4).
3. Paul’s heritage was a Pharisee, Benjaminite, zealous persecutor, and person obedient to the law (3:5-6).
B. Righteousness through Christ (3:7-11)
1. Yet, it all was worthless because of what Christ had done because righteousness was based on faith (3:7-9).
2. Paul wanted to experience the resurrection from the dead by sharing in Christ’s sufferings and death (3:10-11).
C. Perfection Not Yet Reached (3:12-16)
1. Perfection was not yet received, but Paul continued on (3:2-14).
2. If disagreement occurs, we must hold to the progress we have already made (3:15-16).
D. Living as Citizens of Heaven (3:17-21)
1. Follow Paul’s example (3:17).
2. There are people who are headed for destruction (3:18-19).
3. There are people who are headed for heaven (3:20-21)
A. Harmony and Joy Among Believers (4:1-5)
1. Stay true to the LORD (4:1).
2. Euodia and Syntyche need to settle their disagreements (4:2-3).
3. Always be full of joy and let others see it (4:4-5).
B. Direct Instructions for the Christian Life (4:6-9)
4. Don’t worry but instead pray and have peace (4:6-7).
5. Focus their thoughts on excellent things that are worthy of praise (4:8-9).
C. Paul’s Gratefulness for What Little He Had (4:10-17)
1. Paul was grateful that they were concerned about him (4:10).
2. Paul had learned to be content with what little he had (4:11-12).
3. Paul could live without anything because of Christ’s strength, yet he was still grateful to the Philippians for their support (4:13-14).
4. Paul wanted the Philippians to receive a reward for their kindness to him (4:15-17).
C. Sweet Smelling Sacrifices and the Security of the Saints (4:18-23)
1. Paul had all that he needed (4:18-19).
2. All glory was to the Father (4:20).
3. A Final Greeting (4:21-23)