The Bible makes it clear that Christ died on cross (Matt 27:32-61; Mark 15:33-47; Luke 23:44-56; John 19:28-42) and three days later Jesus came back to life and left the tomb in which he was buried (Matt 28:1-7; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-10; Acts 1:4-8; 9:1-9; 1 Cor 15:6-8).
I love the Bible and trust it as a reliable and credible witness to events that occurred in the first century. Yet, the Bible is not the only witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Based on my research there are five different categories of sources that contain at least thirteen different independent references to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The first category comes from ancient historians. Tacitus was a first century Roman historian and politician who wrote about a Christian that suffered under Pontius Pilate (the man who sentenced Christ to death).[1] Josephus was a Roman-Jewish historian and military leader. He lived AD 37-97 and said that Jesus died and appeared “alive” again to his disciples.[2] Thallus was a historian who wrote a three-volume history of events in the Mediterranean region. He wrote about the physical events of Jesus’s death just as they were recorded in Luke 23:44-45. Scholars say Thallus wrote in AD 52 while Luke did not write his Gospel until AD 65.[3]
A second category Jewish sources. The Talmud was a textbook for Jewish Rabbis on laws and theology that’s dated from AD 70-200. It directly references the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.[4] The Toledoth Jesu is a fifth century alternative history of Jesus that states that Jesus was in a tomb but was resurrected and not at the tomb when people came to see him days after his death.[5]
A third category is Gentile sources. Lucian was a Syrian satirist, speaker, and writer that used sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek style. He lived AD 125-180 and said that Jesus was the founder of Christianity and was “crucified” for it.[6] Mara Bar-Seraphone was a Syrian (late first century) who wrote a letter to his son describing how the Jews “executed” Jesus.[7]
A fourth category is “gnostic” sources which talk about Jesus directly but are much less credible than books that are in the Bible. The Gospel of Truth (second century) referenced Jesus as a historical person who had a “death for many . . . nailed to a tree.”[8] The Treatise on the Resurrection (late second century) says that Jesus died and came back to life. The Gospel of Thomas (second century) records Jesus’s death. The Gospel of Peter describes how Mary and other women went to the tomb of Jesus but he was not there.
The fifth category is “lost” sources which we do not have copies of, but portions of these writings are quoted in writings that we do have. The Acts of Pontius Pilate says that in Jesus’s crucifixion he was pierced in his hands and feet. Phlegon (born in AD 80) wrote that Jesus was alive, died, and arose to life after his death.[9]
By no means is this an exhaustive list (just a simple one compiled by a church pastor). There are other “evidences” that Jesus lived, died, and came back to life. I encourage you to do your own search and investigate the claims of Scripture for yourself.
[1] Tacitus, Annals, 15.44.
[2] Josephus, Antinquities 18:3.
[3] Extant Writings, 18 in the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Julius Africanus in 221 quotes the words fof Thallus.
[4] Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a in the Babylonian Talmud.
[5] I have not been able to find the citation of this directly.
[6] Lucian, Death of Pelegrine, 11-13.
[7] British Museum, Syrian MS, add. 14, 658; cited in Habermas, 200.
[8] Gospel of Truth, probably written by Valentinus. See 30:27-33; 31:4-6; 20:11-14, 25-34.
[9] cited by Origen, 4:455; cf. Habermas, 210; Anderson, 19. Origen 14, Julius Africanus, 18.